Your Gift Will Go A Long Way

This is the beginning of a new era for our Jewish community. To usher in that new era, we intend to propose after much thoughtful consideration and discussion, a new membership model that will allow the Center to meet the needs of todays and tomorrow’s Jewish community.

Financial support should not be considered the cost of belonging, but rather an expression of belonging. The model will likely include a tiered approach that allows individuals and families to increase their financial commitment to the Center as their relationship with the Center deepens, intensifies, and reflects the various stages of the lives of the members. Membership is an investment, a financial commitment, to Jewish values, vision, and the ideals that are the heart and soul of the Center.

While we establish a new model that suits both the needs of the Center and the community, we invite contributions of any amount that is meaningful to help us build this sacred space together.

The Center for Jewish Life invites you to learn more and partner with us! Please contact us at 305-850-6880 or for more information.